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Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Blackheads

Who doesn’t want their skin to be clean and soft? What can be more pleasing than to have a glowing skin after all?

You are going to attend an event where you want to look gorgeous, but these awkward pimples and blackheads! Don’t worry you aren’t alone and today we are going to discuss all the important natural ways to get rid of this painful experience.

So, what are Blackheads?

Actually, to solve a problem we need to know the problem well. So, we must have a good idea about how we get those blackheads and what causes it to appear. Our skin is full of pores which in invisible to our naked eyes. Blackheads usually appears when those pores are clogged or plug develops in the opening of the hair follicles due to dirt, excessive oil etc.

What causes Blackheads?

  • Dirt, Sebum and oil blocking the hair follicles.
  • Production of excessive body oil.
  •  Acnes
  • Hindrance on regular shredding of dead cells.
  • Drugs
  • Hormonal misbalance

Natural Remedies:

Cleansing Routine:

It’s important for a person to have a fix cleansing routine to get rid of all the dust and dirt deposition on the basis of their skin type. People with an oily skin will naturally develop more body oil so they need to purchase skin care products that are suitable to their skin. Besides they need to be sure to moisturize their skin regularly otherwise the skin will produce extra oil that leads to acne problems.

Exfoliate The Skin:

Exfoliation is really important to get rid of blackheads. There are a number of ways to exfoliate your skin. But

the good news is most of them are in your hands right now. Milk and nutmeg plays a major role in this. Nutmeg removes the excessive oil and adds a scrubby power besides it makes your skin soft after using it. Milk contains lactic acid which breaks down the old unhealthy cells and removes the dead cells when you wash your face.

If you want to add power to this process you can use butter milk instead which has more lactic acid.

Use A Skin Brush:

You can also use a soft skin brush to exfoliate your skin and remove all the dead cells , so that it doesn’t block

the pores. There’s a lot of skin brushes available in the market to choose from. But be careful while using a

skin brush. If you have a sensitive skin, try to avoid it.

Clay Mask:

To remove oils and toxins out of the skin clay mask can be very useful. It helps to unclog the pores and let your

skin breath. Clay mask is a must for oily skin. Besides you can use essential oil, rose water or apple cider

vinegar with your clay mask.

Combine 1 table spoon of clay and apple cider vinegar and stir it well until you get a paste. Apply to your skin

spreading all over your face. Wait for 15-20 minutes to let it dry and wash it with warm water or a wet towel

gently from your skin.

Honey Paste:

Honey literally works like magic. But remember this is not a honey face wash rather it’s a pat down. So, your

face can’t be wet at any circumstances while you are doing this. Simply pour some thick honey in your finger

and pat down all over your face. Specially the places where you have blackheads. The honey will pull out the

dirt while you remove your finger and clean the pores. Besides having antibacterial and antioxidant attributes

in honey it kills all the germs and makes your skin toxin free.

Cumin Scrub:

When we think of cumin, we only see it a food element. But many of us don’t know the health benefits we

can have from it. It severs as an excellent face scrub and exfoliant to remove blackheads. Follow the below

steps to make an excellent scrub using cumin:

Materials:            1) 1table spoon cumin powder.

                    2) 1 table spoon brown sugar.

                    3)1/2 table spoon grapeseed oil.

                    4) 1 table spoon of essential oil.


Mix all the ingredients. Wash your face thoroughly before you apply the scrub. Carefully rub the scrub on your

skin very well. After scrubbing wash your face with warm water and relax.

So, now you know how to face your harsh blackheads with all the elements you have in your hand ready. Just

follow the above steps regularly and see the results with your own eyes. If you can avoid all the bad habits

that leads to blackheads you can overcome it easily. Keep glowing and stay gorgeous just the way you are!